March 13, 2016

Parent Testimonial

Clark W.
Group 4 Parent Print

"The circumstances that cause a parent to summon the faith, commitment and courage to entrust the care of their child to a Wilderness Therapy Program are often really difficult. Yet while that reality is clearly, the truth is we all could benefit - greatly - from Wilderness Therapy. Mother Nature is never preachy; she does not lecture; she is often incredibly beautiful, but also often difficult - even stormy at times . . . yet when someone (especially an information age overloaded teen in today's world) is immersed in this natural world, and surrounded by amazing, caring, LISTENING counselors, staff and therapists like those who give of themselves at Second Nature . . . truly miraculous things start to happen . . . it is never some magical instant moment, yet slowly, almost imperceptibly, growth takes place. Our kids learn that if they do not pitch their tarp correctly and it rains, they get wet. If they do not figure out how to work through things with each other, then food does not get cooked, or water kept clean, or dishes cleaned . .  simple enough things, but therein lie metaphor applicable to all of life. I personally am challenged with bouts of depression and my own full fledged ADHD - and without the benefit of the amazing, structured programs at SNWP (Second Nature Wilderness Program), I instinctively learned years ago how healing and powerful the natural world can be. Second Nature in general, and therapist Coady Schueler in particular, take that healing power to amazing levels, providing powerful opportunities for personal growth in the process. Perhaps the most valuable lesson I have learned through the involvement of not one, but two daughters with SNWP is that the best way I can help my daughters is to work on me - to let them see that I, too, am a flawed human being struggling to find my own unique and personal means of personal growth - and for them to see that I care enough to become vulnerable; to [and this is still really hard for my type-A lawyer self!] REALLY learn how to actively listen to Hannah and Lizzy; and to really put in hard work to make our family a better, safer place within which to LIVE. If your family and personal circumstances are such that you are searching for a place to help break whatever self destructive cycles of behavior are afflicting you, your family and especially your beloved teen children, I personally cannot think or imagine a better place to start than Second Nature. Whatever you do, invest your own time and energies into growing and learning yourself - that's the best gift of all for your kids, your spouse, your family - and yourself. "

-Clark W.
